Please mark your calendar for a Hills of Shannon HOA Special Member Meeting, which will be held Tuesday, May 14th, 7:30 pm at White Iron Ridge. During this meeting we will be voting on the changes that have been proposed for the Rules and Regulations, updating the by-law language, and the proposed addition of the fines schedule. (As a reminder, in order to vote, you must be in good standing with the HOA. If you are unsure of your current status, please reach out to CAM Management [ or (913) 738-9600] who can advise on your current status.) If you are unfamiliar or in need of a refresher of what has been proposed, you may find a copy of each document at
For those of you who are not able to attend in person, we will provide you a link to view the meeting via Zoom. If you have interest with this format, please email to sign up for the link. Please note the Zoom function only allows for viewing and not any voting matters such as the Board of Directors.
As many of you know, the Board has made several attempts over the past couple of years to put in place a solution to what many of you have shared is your greatest frustrations with our neighborhood – enforcing our rules and restrictions. While most of the homeowners are respectful and abide by the rules when we point out the issue, we continue to have that 1% who refuse to correct the issue because they know there is no mechanism for enforcement. Recognizing and acknowledging the negative impact those 1% have had on the neighborhood – including a few neighboring homeowners at the time of sale, the board has made the decision to provide one last opportunity for all of our homeowners to come out, share their viewpoints and vote on the matter. In saying that, after two years of doing our best to encourage homeowners to come out and cast their vote, the board is prepared to move on the matter as allowed by our by-laws. To have a community vote or quorum, we need 1/4th of the membership to attend or submit a proxy form. If there is not a sufficient number of homeowners in attendance at this next meeting, then the board will vote on the matter with the expectation that we will pass the new rules and regulations including a fine schedule in conjunction with updated bylaws.
It is still our hope that a sufficient number of homeowners will come out for this meeting and cast their vote.
If you are not able to attend this meeting, you may use the proxy form to submit your vote. The Proxy form is on the back of this letter. Please note that the form must be signed, and notarized to count as a vote. There are three options for getting a proxy form notarized, and they are as follows:
Free through your bank.
Free by appointment at the Platte City Mid Continent Library.
TW Print Shop (169 Hwy - Major Mall), by appointment Tuesdays or Thursdays. $5.
A Proxy will help with reaching quorum and allow you to vote through your assignee. For your convenience, you may drop your proxy vote at 308 Killarney.
As the board is committed to minimize our costs whenever possible, the board has moved to providing all of our documents electronically and will hand deliver notifications of this nature. However, we also recognize that not every homeowner has access to retrieve those documents. For those individuals we encourage them to reach out via email and/or social media. We will have a copy of those documents delivered to your address. If you have any topic that you wish to add to the agenda or questions, please reach out at before the meeting as we wish to keep the meeting within the allotted time frame.